Friday, December 12, 2008

During this Christmas Season

Ask yourself if you are living your life to the fullest, ask yourself if you giving back as much as you are receiving, question your relationship with God and ask yourself if you are where you want to be.
This is off the blog of Stephanie Vest. Her friend wrote a letter to everyone about Stephanie's family. Anyway, this little message is from there. I think it is so true. I guess I don't QUESTION God but maybe question how close I am and how I can better understand his love for my family and I. When I am working and I get a little stressed I come to quick understanding that it isn't worth being really stressed out about something especially if I can't control the situation. Do your best and that is the only thing you can do.
So, in that same idea.. I could be really stressed out that I have yet to begin my Christmas shopping but instead I think about those that don't get to have Christmas this year, those that just lost a loved one, those that have no family to celebrate Jesus' life with, those that don't believe. I hope to get in and out of the crazy stores so I can enjoy wrapping presents, and being with our little family.
Jeremy's been gone for a week and will have to go again soon... I could be totally stressed out because he does so much for us.. but I did what I could do, enjoyed being home with Rylan, and lived each day to the fullest. I am thankful for the time we have with him and pray that he travels safely... everything that doesn't get done will be there for me the next day!
This year I am remember how thankful I am... and that this year presents (material things) don't mean as much as gatherings with family and just being in your own home, celebrating a life a little one and being healthy. Thank God for the many blessings we have. Always remember someone else has it WAY worse than you!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Andrea, You're such a neat girl. I'm so glad to have you as part of the family!! I wish I got to hang with you more!
Happy Holidays!!! God bless!