Friday, April 25, 2008

New Look

How do you like my new blog look?

Other Things

Other things I've been up to is... going on many car rides, experiencing my first Dollar Burger night in Gilead. Now if you haven't experienced that... you need to! Having my first bottle, first track meet, sleeping 5 hours in the night! (My Mom was pretty happy about this!), tonight I get to eat with my cousins Kenner and Patton, I'm keeping my mom and dad busy but they love it. They actually tell people I am a pretty good kid! I will remember that when I get bigger.
Have a good weekend! My Daddy has to go back to Omaha so we will be staying with my Great Uncle Craig. Come see us if you are in the area! I also go back to the doctor... my Mommy is hoping I am growing and she is worried about these bumps on my face. But I try to keep hinting that babies just get this stuff and I am fine.
Well I need fed so I better let my Mom go.
Love to all, Rylan


Finally my Mom and Dad figure out that I really like to be on my belly. I'm pretty happy when I get to sleep like this but my Mom doesn't do it a lot because the doctors don't think I should lay like this. I am working on getting bigger fast so then I can hang out like this more often. I can't wait!

Run Fast Uncle Caleb!!!

My Mom thought she HAD to go to my Uncle Caleb's Track Meet... so off we went to go see him run. It was a fun day and I got to meet a lot of new people. But my Mom didn't let anyone hold me except Grandma Carlece. She's a little weird. It was a nice day ... it was actually almost hot! Uncle Caleb did a great job! He ran that race that you run around the track FOREVER (2 Mile) It seemed like he just kept running. He did a great job but not sure what place he got but he didn't walk so I am proud of him! He also ran the race where you jump over things while you run. Can you believe that?! I think that is a little crazy! Try running your hardest and then have to jump over things. WOW! (300 hurdles) He did a great job again and of course I am not sure how well he did but I give him a gold medal for finishing the race.... both races! Way to Go Uncle Caleb!! I hope I can work as hard and be as good as you are at sports when I get older. How did you get to be like this? I couldn't but know that when I was in my Mommy's tummy hear her yelling Go Titans... Go Caleb during I guess Basketball season. I hear you are pretty good at that too!
I also got to see my Mommies Cousins run. Seth broke the meet record in the 200, helped win the 4X100 relay, and won the long and triple jump! Great job! Braden helped in the 4X100 and Jenna did well in her events and won the mile relay. The girls also won the meet. GREAT JOB! I'm proud of you all... I can't imagine running around that black thing (track). It seems like a lot of work.
Here is a picture of Mommy and I as we are about ready to leave the meet.

Way to Go Uncle Caleb! I can't wait to be just like you! I am glad we got to go...Rylan

First Bottle Feeding with Dad

Finally, I get to be fed by my Dad. I still don't understand this whole process but whatever. Dad and I bonding. I guess my Mom wanted me to try a bottle. I was still hungry and well after being just fed she couldn't help me out. Luckily she had milk saved that I was able to get full off of this.

Last Couple Days

I'm sorry I haven't let my Mommy have time to update the blog and tell you what we have all done but I will try to update you. The other day (I think it was last week) Mom and I went on a walk. It was too nice to hang out inside.

My First Walk: Not sure why my Mommy took the picture above (you can't even see me) I guess she was just wanting a picture of my cool looking stroller.

Feeling Better Aunt Becca?!

Thanks Aunt Becca for coming and spending the day with us.... we do hope you recooped from being sick.
Aunt Becca, I'm sorry I made you about puke while you were changing me. You just caught me in action of trying to relieve myself. I can't really hold it in yet.. gotta go when I gotta go... so I will work on that next time for you. I'm sorry my silly Mommy & Daddy didn't take any pictures while you were here. They say I don't look as cute because of those crazy bumps on my face. I am still rather cute if I do say so myself but the bumps aren't too cool! Hopefully I don't meet someone really important like this. :) hehehe
Anyway, thanks for coming to see us. We all enjoyed seeing you. Mommy & Daddy say hi!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thanks for coming for the day Grandma Deb!

Thanks for coming all the way from Storm Lake to spend a day with us. We had a good time and I am happy that you got to experience some of my firsts... Pizza Hut and Wal-Mart. From what Mommy says our waitress was an experience in itself. Did I really hear her say that she went to Vegas and came back to find out she was pregnant?... and that is why she calls her little girl 'Jackpot'. Even though you can't really see any Pizza Hut signs this is me at my first Pizza Hut.

Thanks Astraea!!!

A HUGE Thanks to my Mommy's cousin Astraea in Arizona for updating our blog!! Mommy doesn't know how to even begin to make it look better but with her help she was able to do it all for us. THANK YOU ASTRAEA!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meeting cousin Cole Marie

Mom and Dad finally took me to meet my cousin Cole Marie that was born a week after me.

Here we are hanging out together.
We are going to be best buds when we get older.

Friday, April 11, 2008

One Week Old Today!

Okay, so I can't believe I am one week old already. It seems as though I was just came into the world.
My Mommy and Daddy can't stop taking pictures of me. Here I am in my swing..... and one of the few outfits that actually fit me. I'm trying to get bigger by eating ALL THE TIME!

I'll write more later!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Pictures of Me

Me all ready to go my huge car seat.
My Mom & Dad tried to find me some clothes that fit but they didn't succeed. Oh well I am still pretty cute even if my clothes are too big.

Mommy and I hangin' out. She told me not to put pictures of her on here but I'm too proud of her so.... sorry Mom!

All Better.... Don't you love my name Rylan Scott? I am named after my Daddy and I guess I was suppose to be a Aiden, Kaden, or Isaac but I guess I didn't look like those names so my Daddy went back to the list of names and saw Rylan and I guess that name just stuck. Way to go Mom & Dad I love my name!

My first bath!

Nurse Jenny measuring my head. Mommy told me that her nurses were wonderful. They really thought I was cute too.

6 lbs. 6 oz.

In the first 24 hours I couldn't keep my body temp up so I got to spend a few times in the nursey trying to stay warm.

Mommy has a few minutes

Our Family after a long night! I'm sorry Mommy for putting you thru a full day of work.... it was hard work but I am glad you did what you had too because I love you!
My Daddy and Me just hanging out! I sure do love him.

This isn't the cutiest picture of me... but I do think I am pretty cute!

Okay, Okay, Okay, I wouldn't let Mommy get the pictures before I needed to eat so she finally has a chance now.
Here are a few pictures of me just born.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rylan Scott Richardson

Hello Guys,

I finally made it into the world on April 4th, 2008 at 1:35am 6lbs 6 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. My Mommy was hoping for me to come out earlier but it just didn't happen. Plus, I knew that everyone would like it that I was born on 4-4. So, I just waited a few more minutes. :) My Mommies doctor didn't want me to come on an odd numbered day anyway... so I am just trying to please everyone.
I came into the world with my Daddy helping my Mommy. She tells me that he was a HUGE help. He was so excited that I am his new buddy. He can't wait to teach me all of what life has to offer. I can't wait to grow up and be just like him. It's pretty cool to know that I already have a best bud and I just got here.
My Mommy and I are pretty good buds because she feeds me and I love to eat... so she just feeds me whenever I start to cry... even if I don't really know what I want. She's pretty cool. My Daddy and I have been taking good care of her and we plan on doing that forever.
Here are some pictures of me when I entered the world. We are thanking God everyday I am here that everyone is happy and healthy. God is a good guy, from what I hear and I am being taught what love is all about.