Wednesday, September 10, 2008


FYI... we are still working on stuff for Rylan to stop spitting up. Switched his meds that he has been on for the last week and then now on something different (which she gave us a ton of samples so that will save the pocket a little...not that that really matters anyway...) If it doesn't work we are going to have to have an ultra sound to see if things are okay in his little tummy. So, say a few little prayers for him. He is still a happy little guy but the spitting up is making him get a little more cranky. :( I took him to the dr. today to switch things because he wasn't pooping or showing any sign of improvement with the spitting up issues. :) He hadn't pooped in a day and a 1/2 and well he usually has about 3 in one day. So, I was concerned and he was getting a little more uncomfortable. Plus, when I went to the sitter today she scared me by saying she talked with her sister who is a nurse and she couldn't believe that our dr hadn't suggested him going to a GI specialist. I didn't really think anything of it... but just worried me a little... so a friendly call in to the dr... and she wanted to see him. So, good thing I called. He isn't gaining AS much weight as she would like but STILL gaining. :) So, hopefully things will start improving.

Have a good evening!

1 comment:

jenniferm said...

Sorry to hear you're having so many troubles buddy!!!! Maybe it is because you miss your Aunt Jen so much it makes you puke. I bet mommy didn't think of that! Tell Mommy and Daddy how excited I am for them that you will be getting a BRAND NEW house! That is very exciting news...I bet you can't wait for your new room! Hopefully the new medicine will make you feel better so you won't have to have any more tests done. I am thinking and praying for you!! Love and miss you so much....cousin Al and Ty miss you too! Hope to see you all very soon!