Sunday, January 6, 2008

Feeling Better

After being sick with the stomach flu on Thursday, I am feeling much better. I was sick on Thursday and then went home Friday afternoon. I went to work on Friday thinking by the end of the day I will be feeling better... just needed to get up and move around. I took my temp and I was fine... so I thought I could get to work and I would be just fine. (A little pep talk to myself)
At work, like every work place there was an AWFUL smell. So awful that I was gagging. (haven't had the pregnancy smells too bad except recently) Then I was talking about my Grandpa's sister that isn't doing so well and it really got me. I was getting the cold sweats and usually I get those right before I pass out. I knew that wouldn't be good for me nor the baby. So, I got up from my work station and went to the back room where I told them I was going to the basement and lie down for awhile. I think they could tell I wasn't feeling well and filled in where I was. Thank you! Anyway, after about 1/2 hour I asked my Grandpa to take me home. So, I went home and slept the rest of the day until 4:30. Got up and felt the best I have felt in a few days. THANK THE LORD! I talked to my mom about how I didn't understand how I could feel really ill again after a bad smell and talking about something I had been talking about all week. She reminded me that I was pregnant and sometimes that just happens. FUN! Anyway, I am now doing much better.
I was able to attend my little brothers basketball games and hang out with the best man ever, my husband, for the weekend. It's been a nice weekend. We have taken down our PERFECT Christmas tree and I have almost all the Christmas decorations down and put away. UGH How I love to put everything up but dread putting it all away.
We have been busy trying to think of baby names, TRYING to agree on furniture for the babies room. I'm kidding Jeremy has much better taste than me so we just have to take time to be together to see what we both like. :)
It's about the dreaded time where JR has to get back to Omaha! Please pray our home sells SOON so we can be together again.... all the time! At least I feel good because my uncle Craig and him drive together so I know they will get back safely and won't get as bored as he would driving back by himself. Thanks Craig!
If you come across a name that you think we would like please post on here..... we need ideas. We need both male and female names....we don't know what we are having. :)
Have a wonderful week!

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