Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More to come... soon!

Happy Ash Wednesday! So, what is everyone doing for lent. I have always wanted to be a Eucharistic Minister so I thought you know what.... instead of trying to do all these things and following thru with until Easter and then forget you even gave up something or do something that would impact you and others for the rest of your life... I chose to do this... I want to do something to be more involved in church... that is the reason for the season and the reason we are all here. So, why not become more active in your church?! PERFECT So, I called my parish.. that I haven't really been active but the church that Jeremy & I were married in and also Rylan was baptized.... called them up and said I want to know what I had to do to be an EM. She then informed me that there was only one class a year and it was in the fall... I was bummed because I wanted to do it over lent so I could feel that it was accomplished. Hopefully I will get in the class when it is available. Ash Wednesday is here and I still don't know what I want to do... AUH, it's killing me! What are you all doing? For now this is what I am doing... what I started the new year off... doing my Motivated Mom Planner and getting up and doing Jillian Michaels... 30 day SHRED! Also, not settling for going to church by myself. Always inviting others to go. It's my duty to get to heaven and get my children and husband there too! :) Good Night... off to watch the rest of the Olympics! Go TEAM USA!

1 comment:

NUSLP said...

Annie - I counted you out on my blog check of teh night until I saw that you updated it! WOW! Good job! you may have found a lenten observation...updating your blog:)

Love you!