Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Only 2:00

So, it is only 2:00 and this is the 3rd outfit I have been in. 1st the outfit that I slept in, 2nd the outfit Mommy changed me in because I have her an automatic sprinkler AGAIN! (It wasn't as funny as it was last night!) then 3rd, I pooped thru my diaper that my Mom just got done changing me into and now this outfit. I didn't like the other outfits I was in... Daddy likes me in this one so I just kept doing things until I got what I wanted. Needless, to say Mommy doesn't like these diapers as much as the others we were using. They stink when I pee and now I am pooping thru them.. no wonder she doesn't like them. WE just switched to bigger diapers because I was getting to be too big for the others.
This smile came right before I fell asleep. I melt Mommy and Daddies heart... look at that double chin
Okay, so my Mom has been busy this morning and that is why I think I am so tired. We got up this morning when I ate (6:00AM!) then we didn't go back to sleep like we normally do. She started packing! She also made breakfast for Uncle Caleb. It was good to see him again today. He was up getting big and tough for sports. (Morning weightlifting)
Here is the mess we have created. She finally has pretty much everything out of the cupboards because she keeps telling me that she gets a box full and then opens another cupboard and finds more things that should have gone in a different box. This way she says she can see it all and figure out what should go in what box.
After a mess like this it is time to take a break and Mommy tells me that she is going to take a little cat nap as well. I think once she gets the kitchen done things will go a little quicker for her. I hope so because it looks like hard work. If it were me I would just throw things in a box and call it good but she tells me she can't do that because she wants to stay somewhat organized. I think that may be for the birds!
Until next time,

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