Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's That?!

It was been absolutely BEAUTIFUL yesterday so right after we got home we got our GREEN stroller out (Happy St. Patty's Day) and went on a walk. Daddies been working a lot so we do our own little thing. I thought we needed to soak up some sun while it lasted because Friday I guess we are suppose to get some snow! Gotta love living in the midwest. One day 63 the next cold and snow! UGH! I'm ready for the summer to come! SO, Rylan and I went on our nice little walk. It was still a little chilly but we enjoyed being out. I forgot when kids ask What's That... on EVERYTHING they see! So, on the walk Rylan asked "What's That"? MAYBE 500 times. I think the neighbors laughed when they heard him say what's that. AUH! He's becoming quite the talker. I don't remember the time when he didn't talk.. much like I don't remember him not ... RUNNING! :) He's a joy and I thank God daily for bringing him into our lives. His big things these days are helping Mommy cook so last night we cooked beef and noodles. (Thanks Grandma Jackie.. they were EXCELLANT!) He is the official noodle tester. He waits on the counter and I put the noodles out and he tells me if they are done or not. Basically it keeps him occupied while I cook. It's nice! So, by the time dinner is actually made we have about 1/2 as much noodles. SUCH is life!
What else?..... He is constantly into BALLS and if he can't find them we sing.. Ball where are you? It's quite funny. One day I snuck upstairs to download pictures or put clothes away or something and apparently he couldn't find me so I heard... "Mommy, where are you?" CUTE! He also has a thing with airplanes. On rough mornings when he doesn't want to go anywhere and is crying I instantly say where's the plane and auh, life is good? This morning we didn't see any planes but we saw some birds and those are just as good! :)
Sorry for the lack of blogging. I have until Saturday to get a scrapbook done for Rylan. Yeah, just trying to get his first two years of his life caught up! YIKES! Enjoy the Day All!
Our baby is going to be 2 in less than a month! Where did the time go?!... yes he needs another brother or sister but I'm afraid that isn't going to happen for awhile. :(
Love to all!

This picture was taken a couple weeks ago! Rylan and his Great Great Grandpa!

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