Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Goal!

So, I have had a goal for awhile to keep posting on this once a night even if I don't have pictures.... well Rhiannon said to do that. So, with everything happening with Kenner I thought this would be my REAL new goal. I am keeping a calendar of what we are doing with Rylan everyday or what he is doing and well... I will TRY to do it on here as well. Like that we get a little backed up sometimes. :)
What we have been up too. I have been going to the hospital a lot to spend time with Mr. Kenner. Today was really cute because when Becca and I got to the hospital he was responding to what Rhiannon was telling him. Rhiannon said "Kenner, Aunt Becca and Aunt Annie are here to see you...." Something was said do you like Aunt Becca or something to that effect and he shook his head no... as sad as it was that he was shaking his head it was pretty funny because that is just how Kenner is. :) He was talking to his Mommy and that is all he wanted to do. :)... yeah we didn't even ask how or if he liked me. He's had great progress and they are hearing a leak more and more every day. The nurse said it could go quickly once it starts happening so we are praying for great progress. :)
As far as what Mr. Rylan is doing these days are amazing... He's such a joy in our lives. Last two weeks Jeremy has been on the road so it was just him and I. Luckily, we are still living with my uncle Craig so my Uncle and cousin Ashley helped out a ton. It was nice to come home and not be totally by myself. (hopefully soon we will be in our own home! :)) Although, I do have to say I have it pretty easy because Rylan is a pretty good baby. He's been rolling over front to back, and back to front, sitting up in his bumbo, loves the exersaucer, and just being a really good baby. He loves laughing and melting your heart.
I am still breastfeeding and a little over a month ago he was diagnosed with Soy and Milk intolerant so because I am breast feeding that means Mommy gets to be Soy and Milk intolerant too. At first it was really hard because I didn't really know what I could and couldn't have. I just didn't eat anything that I THOUGHT had milk or soy products in them. Yeah, no more yogurt, milk, ICE CREAM.... it feels like everything I love I can't have. BUT after being on it for a month or so it isn't so bad. I am STILL craving ice cream but it is so much easier to stay away from it when I am not doing it for myself. I'm not sure it really was helping with his spitting up but we will give it another week. He's done okay. Some days are better than others.
Rylan is also a big swimmer. My Aunt and Uncle just built a pool in their back yard and it is AWESOME! Rylan likes it also. We bought him a little floaty deal and well I guess when I bought it I didn't read the age deal. It is rather large for Rylan but he still likes it and loves being in the water. It's a lot of fun.
Other than that nothing too new. Please keep Kenner in your prayers. I can't tell you how much the prayers are working for that little guy. Also, keep your prayers going for Casey, Rhiannon, and Patton. Patton didn't really know what to think with Kenner lying in the bed and not picking on him. Patton threw a teddy bear at Kenner maybe hoping that he would come back and throw it back at him. It didn't happen. Pray for Kenner to heal so they can play together again. Also for Rhiannon and Casey. I don't think either of them have gotten much sleep. Becca was talking with Casey today and he made a comment about when they were at St. E's and how Casey was holding Kenner when he could barely breathe and they were taking Kenner and Casey asked for a hug and he told Becca that he didn't know if he would get another hug from him. Yeah, I am sure everything was going thru their minds. When you have to witness your child squirming everywhere to get a breathe had to of been horrifying. Keep them in your prayers!!! They are going thru a lot right now. I can't even imagine.
Well I am going to hit the hay. Keep Kenner and his family in your thoughts and prayer's.
Thank you and Good Night!

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